
Roots and Shoots: An Introduction to Authentic Movement Practice 

Bringing consciousness and the body together in a friendly way is a developmental journey, one that richly rewards those who travel this path. Here we focus on Beginnings: the origins, the ground form, and some applications of Authentic Movement. In addition to the experiential work, there will be journaling and readings to enhance the learning and integration process of the group.  Please call or email to express an interest. An interview is required prior to participation.


The Spiral In: Deepening Authentic Movement Practice 

For those with a solid grasp of the ground form of Authentic Movement, a number of groups are available for continued deepening and unfolding through this practice. Groups form organically, based on needs, interests, and rhythms of participants. Please email for details or to express an interest.  By invitation, but please inquire if you have an interest. 


Jung Embodied: Supervision for Jungian Therapists & Analysts

For Jungian therapists and analysts wanting to bring more embodiement into Jungian and depth oriented work, I offer group and individual supervision, Wednesdays in Seattle. Authentic Movement and elements from Laban/Bartenieff Movement Systems will be incorporated.