
Disciplline of Authentic Movement 

          Information about deepening in the practice of Authentic Movement, committment to it as a mystical practice, and embarking           on the path to becoming a teacher. Writings by Janet Adler, list of faculty members, description of the Circles of Four                       Program.


Authentic Movement Community

An online community for those interested in Authentic Movement (AM). Find teachers, classes, & therapists who use AM in their practice, read a blog about AM, locate AM peer groups.
The official website of the ADTA. Learn more about dance-movement therapy (DMT), read the forum, find a dance-movement therapist, order DMT books and conference proceedings, find research on DMT, and more.

Association for Dance-Movement Psychotherapy UK

This is the UK counterpart to the American Dance Therapy Association. Find information on dance-movement therapy, training, and workshops, and access their online journal e-Motion, which is full of great articles about DMT.

Books about Authentic Movement by Janet Adler

Janet is generally acknowledged to be the primary teacher of Authentic Movement in the world today. The book Arching Backward chronicles her initiation into the Kundalini mysteries, generated by years of Authentic Movement practice. Offering from the Conscious Body outlines the practice of Authentic Movement. Both books are highly recommended, though neither is an "easy" read.

Books about Authentic Movement edited by Patrizia Pallaro

Patrizia has collected and masterfully assembled the most important scholarly essays about Authentic Movement into two fabulous volumes. Volume One contains the work of Mary Whitehouse, Janet Adler, and Joan Chodorow - the foremothers of AM. Volume Two contains essays addressing the foundations of AM, use of AM in psychotherapy, AM and spirituality, new horizons and applications of AM, and personal stories and experiences of AM. Both volumes are highly recommended.

International Expressive Arts Therapy Association

The IEATA supports artists, educators, consultants, and therapists using multimodal expressive arts processes for personal and community transformation. They provide a global forum for dialogue, promote guiding principles for professional practice, and work to increase recognition and use of expressive arts as a powerful tool for
psychological, physical, and spiritual wellness.

Society for Art of Imagination

An online organization supporting fine art done with imagination and excellence of technique. Paintings of visionary or surrealistic imagery inspired by dreams, visions, and other imaginings are indexed here in galleries with biographical information about each artist. Explore the possibilities!

Marion Woodman Foundation

The home of BodySoul Rhythmss. The roots of the BodySoul work grow out of a deep respect for dreams, C. G. Jung's understanding of the psyche, and the wisdom of the body. Jungian analyst Marion Woodman has nurtured and developed these roots through her passionate commitment to feminine consciousness, both in her writing and her devotion to the embodied soul.

AMJ is the only publication devoted exclusively to Authentic Movement. From 1994 through July 2006, AMJ published articles, interviews, poems, stories, and art three times a year to an international audience. Since July of 2006, they have suspended regular publication. Their extensive collection of back issues are a goldmine and are still for sale here.

Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Journal

Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy is an international, peer-reviewed journal exploring the relationship between body and mind and focusing on the significance of the body and movement in the therapeutic setting. It is the only scholarly journal wholly dedicated to the growing fields of body (somatic) psychotherapy and dance movement therapy. The body is increasingly being recognized as a vehicle for expression, insight and change. The journal encourages broad and in-depth discussion of issues relating to research activities, theory, clinical practice, professional development and personal reflections. Published three times a year, with a free sample copy available on line. Excellent.

Spring Journal

Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture is the oldest Jungian psychology journal in the world. Published twice a year, each Spring Journal is organized around a theme and offers articles as well as film and book reviews in the areas of archetypal psychology, mythology, and Jungian psychology.

Parabola Magazine

Parabola Magazine is published by The Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition, a not-for-profit organization devoted to the exploration of myths, symbols, rituals, and art of the world's religious and cultural traditions. Published twice a year, with a plethora of back issues available on a wide range of topics. "A parabola is one of the most elegant forms in nature. Every path made by a thrown ball, every spout of water from a fountain, and every graceful arch of steel cables in a suspension bridge is a parabola. The parabola represents the epitome of a quest. Iit is a curving line that sails outward and returns with a new expansion—and perhaps a new content, like the flung net of a Japanese fisherman. It is the metaphorical journey to a particular point, and then back home, along a similar path perhaps, but in a different direction, after which the traveler is essentially, irrevocably changed."

The Arts in Psychotherapy Journal

The Arts in Psychotherapy is an international journal for professionals in the fields of mental health and education. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles (including illustrations) by art, dance/movement, drama, music, and poetry psychotherapists, as well as psychiatrists, psychologists, and creative arts therapists, reflecting the theory and practice of these disciplines. Published five times per year.

The Center for Touch Drawing

Home of Touch Drawing (TD), created by Deborah Koff-Chapin. Learn about the process of touch drawing and how it developed, read stories and see pictures of people using TD in various settings. Find information on the Annual TD Gathering on Whidbey Island, the online TD community, videos and images created by Deborah, TD materials for sale (including paints, paper, boards & brayers), Deborah's SoulCards, CDs, and her beautiful TD prints.

Sandplay Therapists of America

Sandplay Therapists of America (STA) is a non-profit organization established to train, support, and promote professional development in sandplay in the tradition of Dora M. Kalff based on the theories of C.G. Jung. Find information on training and sandplay resources.

Laban-Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies

The Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, LIMS® is a non-profit organization that has been training movement observers, psychotherapists, teachers, and coaches for over thirty years. Centered in New York City, their international network includes over 1000 Certified Movement Analysts (CMAs) who apply the movement analysis work in a diverse and ever-changing world, making a difference in the way people perform, communicate, observe, learn, and negotiate. CMAs have impacted fields as diverse as health care, the performing arts, sports, education, diplomacy, leadership studies, and communications. Here you will also find information about training as a CMA and accessing the Journal of Laban Movement Studies.

Kestenberg Movement Profile

The Kestenberg Movement Profile (KMP) is a complex instrument for describing, assessing and interpreting nonverbal behavior. Over many years, Kestenberg pursued an enduring inquiry into the nature and significance of nonverbal behavior. In the early 1950's, she devoted extensive study to Effort/Shape Analysis that is based on the work of Rudolph Laban's motion factors and Warren Lamb's interpretation of their use and structure. The KMP evolved during more than 30 years of research by Kestenberg and her colleagues. Their findings have linked the dominance of specific movement patterns with particular developmental phases and psychological functions.

Pacifica Graduate Institute

A dedicated academic community near Santa Barbara, CA working to advance the study and practice of Depth Psychology. PGI is an accredited graduate school offering MA and PhD programs in Psychology, the Humanities, and Mythological Studies informed by the traditions of C. G. Jung, Joseph Campbell, S. Freud, Marija Gimbutas, James Hillman, and others. Here you will learn about their degree programs, public programs, library holdings, faculty, and more. 

North Pacific Institute for Analytical Psychology

NPIAP is a nonprofit organization based in Seattle, WA committed to research in the field of analytical psychology and to education founded on the work of Swiss psychiatrist, C. G. Jung - believing that his approach has more relevance today than ever before. Information about training programs for licensed mental health professionals and Jungian analysts.

Jung in Seattle

A portal to information about the Jungian community in the greater Seattle area, including the C.G. Jung Society, the Jungian Psychotherapists Association, and North Pacific Institute for Analytical Psychology. You can find a listing here of public educational events, and of Jungian Analysts and Psychotherapists in the greater Seattle area.

C. G. Jung Page

The Jung Page is dedicated to exploring questions of meaning which engage the individual as well as the varied cultures in which we live. Here you will find original essays, reprinted articles, reviews of books and films, research tools, a lexicon of terms, and works of creativity. You will also find ways to connect with the worldwide Jungian community, including information on publishers, local societies and professional organizations, scholars, analysts, and other interested individuals.


Steve Aizenstat's DreamTending is a method of working with dreams that "considers dream images as living images. It makes the particularity and presence of these images available to the dreamer. The wisdom of ancestral callings, the instinctual knowledge of animal visitations, the musings of the soul are attended to from a psyche-centered, rather than person-centered, perspective. The intelligence of the dream is listened to from the inside out." Here you will find his book for sale and information on training in DreamTending.

Cosmos and Psyche

Rick Tarnas's seminal book, Cosmos and Psyche, called "epoch-making", "ground-breaking", "passionate, brilliant, and luminous", and "breathtaking in the scope and scale of vision", offers a new cosmology for our millennium. Read selections from the book, reviews, author interviews, and order this 600 + page masterpiece.

International Association for the Study of Dreams

The International Association for the Study of Dreams is a non-profit, international, multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming. Their purpose is to promote an awareness and appreciation of dreams in both professional and public arenas; to encourage research into the nature, function, and significance of dreaming; to advance the application of the study of dreams; and to provide a forum for the eclectic and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and information. Information on conferences, publications, research, and dream community is available here.

Dream Network

The Dream Network is an eclectic, autonomous on-line community open to all schools of thought and personal experience regarding dreams. Their goals are to be an interactive, esoteric organization providing vehicles through which to share experiential, educational information and unique messages with an increasingly interested community of dreamers. Here you will find articles, booklets, dream groups and consultation.

Dream Anatomy

Hosted by the National Library of Medicine, this website offers wonderul images of the human body as revealed  to the artistic imagination throughout history and accross culture.

The Alchemy Website

This is a fabulous site with over 150 megabytes of information on alchemy in all its facets. Divided into over 2400 sections and providing tens of thousands of pages of text, over 2500 images, over 240 complete alchemical texts, extensive bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts, numerous articles, introductory and general reference material on alchemy. This site is organised by Adam McLean, the well known authority on alchemical texts and symbolism, author and publisher of over 50 books on alchemical and Hermetic ideas. One could spend hours here...

Fairy Tales

A wealth of information about written fairy tales, including an exhaustive Grimm's Brothers compilation.

Myth*ing Links

Myth*ing Links is organized by Kathleen Jenks, retired core faculty member in the Mythological Studies Department, Pacifica Graduate Institute. It is an extensive, annotated, illustrated collection of worldwide links to mythologies, fairy tales & folklore, sacred arts, and sacred traditions.

The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism

ARAS is a pictorial and written archive of mythological, ritualistic, and symbolic images from all over the world and from all epochs of human history. Access their huge repository of online images by becoming a member, or receive their free online journal.

Anne Baring

Anne is a retired Jungian analyst who has travelled and lectured widely. Her website offers a treasure trove of wisdom in her published articles and lectures. She devotes her work to "the affirmation of a new vision of reality and to the exploration of the deeper issues facing us at this crucial time of be a sanctuary for the heart: a place of reconnection and healing between mind, body and soul; a focus for the emerging values that reflect our responsibility towards life, each other and the planet as a whole".

Cedrus Monte

Cedrus is a Jungian analyst practicing in Zurich. She integrates her training and experience with dance therapy, Butoh, ritual theatre, mask making, and the imaginal into her analytical practice. She also teaches at The International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich. Her website contains some of her published articles and more detailed information about her way of working. Cedrus is a beloved former analyst of mine.

Tina Stromsted

Tina is a Jungian analyst and Dance-Movement Therapist in private practice in San Francisco. She is faculty in the Somatic Psychology Program at Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. She also offers international workshops integrating Depth Psychology, Authentic Movement, Somatics, elements of Marion Woodman's BodySoul Rhythms® approach, embodied dreamwork, and creative arts therapy. She is a beloved former teacher of mine at the Authentic Movement Institute.

Ginette Paris

Ginette is a depth psychologist, psychotherapist, writer, scholar in mythological studies, core faculty member at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and teacher extraordinaire. I have thrilled with the privilege of participating in her class on Depth Psychology and the Mythic Traditions at Pacifica. Her books Pagan Grace, Pagan Meditations, The Psychology of Abortion, and Wisdom of the Psyche have been extremely influential. Her website offers information about, and excerpts from, her books.

George McGrath Callan

George is a depth psychologist in private practice in Seattle and a faculty member at Pacifica Graduate Institute. Her work generates movement toward the restoration of presence and vitality in the contexts of health, creativity, relationship, community, vocation and spirituality. I have been privileged to study with George at Pacifica.

Peter Kingsley

Called a successor to Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell by Larry Dossey, Peter says his work is "to bring back to life, and make accessible again, the extraordinary mystical tradition that lies forgotten right at the roots of the western world". His website offers some of his essays and information about his work with the numinous figures of Parmenides & Empedocles, his books, and upcoming events.


The vision of Shematrix is to create vehicles through which each individual may claim their birthright as an awakened, divine being, living an authentic life, free from suffering, in respectful cooperation with the Earth and all its creatures. The three day rituals of "The Gift" for women and "The Grail" for men acknowledge one's precious and unique individuality, co-creating a conscious global community that has profound psychic effect. See website calendar for the Gift or Grail happening near you.

Shaking Medicine

Bradford Keeney's extradordinary work with healing through surrendering to the body's natural movements of shaking, practiced by many older cultures and ecstatic traditions. Sadly, when people in western culture sometimes experience involuntary shaking, they are afraid of it and try to stop it. Bradford explains: "Shaking medicine is the trembling, shaking, and quaking associated with the experience of ecstatic bliss. This major transformative experience is an entry into the numinous – the mysterium tremendum et fascinans. Arguably all religions and pre-religions initially felt this ecstasy and regarded it as an awakening of the original mysteries, the most extraordinary experiences possible for a human being."  

Philemon Foundation

Philemon was one of C. G. Jung's inner imaginal figures. The foundation, named for this influential figure in Jung's life, aims to make the complete body of Jung’s work available in editions that meet the highest standards of scholarship and do justice to the true measure of this major creative thinker. They have recently published Jung's Red Book, called by many "the Holy Grail of the Unconscious".

Imaginal Studies

A website gateway to the work of Marie Angelo and friends who have created a Master of Arts degree program at the University of Chichester, UK in the area of Imaginal Studies. Influenced by the work of Henry Corbin, James Hillman, and others, this website offers articles and exerpts from books on the important topic of imaginal studies.

The Henri Corbin Project

Henri Corbin was a scholar, philosopher and theologian whose work is profoundly significant to the field of depth psychology. He was a champion of the transformative power of the Imagination and of the transcendent reality of the individual in a world threatened by totalitarianisms of all kinds. He introduced the concept of the mundus imaginalis into contemporary thought and his work has provided much of the intellectual foundation for archetypal psychology as developed by James Hillman. This website is a portal into his writings and writings of those influenced by his work.

5Rhythms Global

The brilliant work of dancing urban shaman Gabrielle Roth, creator of a powerful path of movement transformation, and online access to the global 5Rhythms community - teachers, music, classes, training, DVDs, books, podcasts.

The School for Body-Mind Centering

Body-Mind Centering (BMCtm) is an integrated approach to transformative experience through movement re-education and hands-on repatterning.  Developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, it is an experiential study based on the embodiment and application of anatomical, physiological, psychophysical and developmental principles, utilizing movement, touch, voice and mind.  This study leads to an understanding of how the mind is expressed through the body and the body through the mind. A list of practitioners, classes, workshops, and trainings are found here.

Body Tales

Body Tales is a creative and healing practice that integrates movement, voice and personal storytelling. This unique form combines elements of dance, theater and expressive arts. Body Tales, based in the San Francisco, California Bay Area, brings people together from varied walks of life — including educators, artists, therapists and professionals in many arenas — and welcomes diversity in ethnicity, age, body size and physical ability.


InterPlay is a movement practice that has been developed by Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter over the last twenty years and has spread around the world. It's also a community of people around the world who speak the shared language of a wide and deep variety of play. It is a body of bodies who enjoy contact and connection.

Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies

The ever-expanding discoveries of neuroscience are being digested by theoreticians such as Daniel Siegel, Allan Schore, and others in this group to form working models for how one does therapy, teaches, plans communities, or lives in a more integrated way. GAINS promotes and supports the application of the scientifically-grounded principles of Interpersonal Neurobiology to the art of human relationships, across disciplines, in the service of a more awake and compassionate world for individuals, families, and communities.

LINKS not yet annotated...

Seattle Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Center for Object Relations Northwest Family Development Center

United States Association for Body Psychotherapy

Books about Trauma and the Body


Dye-namic Movement Products

Dancing Colors